What is cancer?
Cancer is when genes change in cells, making them grow, multiply and divide uncontrollably. Normal cells usually die when they grow old and new cells replace them. Cancer cells do not die and continue to multiply without control. Cancer cells may start from any part of the human body. There are over two hundred types of known cancers.
The cancer cells may grow into a solid mass which is often called a tumor. If the tumors do not spread to other tissues, they are benign. Once they are removed, they do not grow back. When the tumor cells invade other tissues, they are called malignant. They can even spread to distant organs and tissues. They can also grow back even if they are removed. Cancer of the blood tissues usually do not form masses.
In the past, cancer is a deadly disease. Thanks to advances in medicine, some cancers can be cured and others may be controlled.
To be able to get the best out of cancer treatment, early detection and early treatment is the key.Vigilance is best for detecting early cancer.
Once cancer is being detected, one should immediately seek medical help and start treatment as early as possible so as to increase one’s survival rate and chances of cure.
In the following pages, you may find some common forms of treatment for some common cancers.