The Adjunct Therapy for Cancer

Combined with traditional treatments
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Different Types of Cancer's Prevention

Life will be more bountiful after this harsh journey!

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The Latest Treatment for Cancer

With the advancement of medicine, Cancer's patient have greatly improved their survival rate.

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Causes of Cancer

Although the causes of cancer have not measured clearly, there are several known factors.


Certain types of cancer are caused by certain changes to genes, such as breast cancer, kidney cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, thyroid cancer patients, and often have a family history of similar patients. However, many cancers have not been shown to have a direct genetic relationship.

Chemical Materials

The carcinogenicity of chemical substances is based on the study of the carcinogenic rate of smoke-sweeping children in the UK. These child laborers are often exposed to coal tar because of their work, and most of them developed scrotal cancer after adulthood.


Radiation can cause cancer to be confirmed after the nuclear explosion in Hiroshima. There are many nuclear explosion survivors who developed cancer after years, which is caused by genetic mutations caused by radiation. In daily life, long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays has been shown to cause skin cancer. Radon in the soil and cement (RADON GAS) is also a substance with radiation. Long-term residence in places with high radon density increases the likelihood of developing cancer.


In recent years, under the progress of molecular biology, it has been found that the filter virus has a certain relationship with the cause of cancer. Some viruses and bacteria, such as EBV, HPV, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, etc., have been proven to be carcinogenic factors, patients should be treated early, just in case.



Chemotherapy is to try to use special drugs to kill cancer cells or stop cancer cells from growing. Cancer cells are living cells. So when the drugs kill cancer cells, they may also kill good living cells in the patient’s body. When they stop cancer cells from growing, they may also stop good living cells from growing and functioning. That is when side effects occur.Side effects of chemotherapy vary with each drug and vary with each individual.

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The patient is treated by surgery and mainly removes tumors from the body. The advantage of surgical treatment is the opportunity to remove all chronic cells, but the risk of surgery is higher.

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Radiotherapy is used to kill cancer cells or to limit the growth of the tumor. As it kills living cancer cells, it can also kill good living body cells. When it kills good living body tissues or cells, side effects are noticed.

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Target Cell Therapy

Target cell therapy targets certain receptors of the cancer cells. These receptors are often present on good living cells as well. So when the target cell therapeutic drug works also on good living cells, side effects will occur.

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  • Immune checkpoint blockade agents
  • Immune strengthening agents: cellular effector mechanisms
  • Ganoderma/ Coriola versicolor
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The Different Side Effects of Treatments

During the treatment of chronic diseases, the patient may also affect normal cells and cause side effects while killing the tumor cells. The side effects are different depending on the condition of each person.

Appetite loss

Most people with chronic diseases often feel depressed and often feel that sleep is not enough. Even after completing all treatments, they will feel very tired. Therefore, patients can do more relaxed exercise during treatment, make appropriate arrangements in work and life, and strive for time to rest.

Gastrointestinal discomfort

Some patients with chronic diseases are affected by appetite because they need medication. Some people also experienced nausea and even vomiting several hours after receiving the treatment. Therefore, patients can try to eat liquid food and eat slowly to help digestion.

Mouth and throat sores

Mucositis causing pain and bleeding so much so that eating become almost impossible

Hair Loss

Chemotherapeutic drug may cause all hair on the scalp to fall during treatment.

Nausea And Vomiting

For patients with prostate or bladder stagnation, after treatment, there may be cases of constipation and diarrhea.

Weight Loss

The patient needs to receive treatment for a long time, it is easy to lose the body's nutrition. At the same time, the patient will have vomiting and loss of appetite, the weight of the patient will further decline.


Patients do not need to avoid all food. Fish, meat, beans, vegetables, etc. can consumed regularly, but foods with high saturated fat or high sugar should be avoided as much as possible, and preserved foods should be avoided as well.
Since the stomach may not be able to digest too much food after removing part of the stomach, it is recommended that you eat less and more frequent, eat more high-calorie foods, and eat more fish, vegetables and fruits to get enough nutrition.
If family members has any records of cancer, the risk of disease inheritance to the next generation will increase.

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