Adjunct Therapy

Adjunct Therapy for cancers

Another treatment to be used with the primary treatment. Its purpose is to assist the primary treatment.


a)Augments antitumor immunity response to tumor cells
b)Increases efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents
c)Improves radiotherapy response


a)Immune checkpoint blockade agents
b)Immune strengthening agents: cellular effector mechanisms
c)Ganoderma/ Coriola versicolor

Other Agents or Drugs

a)Metformin which depletes glucose for cancer cells show increased survival among diabetic patients
b)Aspirin: higher rate of tumor down staging and increased 5 year survival
c)Statins: higher rate of tumor down staging

Traditional Chinese Medicine

a)Improved survival rate with use of TCM in Non small cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, pancreatic cancer
b)Acupuncture and tuina shown to improve quality of life
c)Decreases side effects of chemotherapeutic agents


Strengthen the absorption of nutrients in cancer patients.