
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

Refrain from smoking

Tobacco has been proven to cause lung, kidney, bladder, leukemia, cervical, oral cavity, prostate, stomach and pancreatic cancers; therefore, do not start smoking. If you have been smoking, cessation of smoking will decrease your chance of developing cancers by a large margin.

Exercise, exercise and exercise

doing 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week will lessen the cancer risk by as much as 30%: colon , prostate cancer, breast cancer and gynecological cancers such as endometrial cancer, as well as oesophageal and kidney cancers etc. Exercise may reduce cancer risk by controlling body weight, reducing secretion of molecules that stimulate cancer growth, and strengthening the immune system.

Lose weight

Obese people have a greater chance of contracting cancers like oesophageal, colorectal, kidney, pancreatic, postmenopausal breast, and endometrial cancers.

Avoid infection by viruses and bacteria

that can cause cancer, like hepatitis viruses, HIV, HPV, EB virus, and Helicobacter pylori etc. If you already harbor them, get treated. If you have not, get vaccinated to escalate your immunity.

Avoid alcohol

for it will increase the risk of colon, liver, mouth, oesophagus, larynx, prostate and breast cancers. Alcohol is oxidized to carcinogenic acetaldehyde by gut bacteria.

Avoid carcinogens

in your environment: asbestos fibers, benzene, aromatic amines, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), arsenic, dioxin and indoor or outdoor air pollution can all cause cancer.

Avoid exposure to unnecessary irradiation

Minimize exposure to imaging like X rays or CT scans. Avoid overexposure to intense sunlight which contains UV rays that will increase the risk of skin cancer. Avoid exposure to radon gas at home or in your office.

Consider taking a low dose of aspirin

which has been reported in several studies to decrease the chances of getting colon and other cancers.

Consider taking a daily dose of 1000 iu of vitamin D

which has been proven to diminish the risk of breast, prostate, colon and gastrointestinal cancer.

Consider taking premium mushrooms like yunzhi and lingzhi

which will help boost immunity and prevent cells from becoming immortal.

Men with a personal history of cancer

should consider taking a multivitamin for that will mitigate the risk of contracting a second cancer.

Eat Healthly

Avoid ultra processed foods

Avoid ultra processed and packaged foods like chips, especially processed meat like bacon, sausage and luncheon meat in asmuch as consumption of 50 grams daily will raise the risk of colon cancer by 18%.

Eat less barbecued foods

Eat less fried or barbecued foods for consumption of foods cooked at excessively high temperatures and consequently enriched in carcinogenic benzo[a]pyrene will heighten the risk of colon or prostate cancer.

Eat more vegetables

Eat more vegetables and fruits like broccoli, carrots, beans, tomatoes, garlic, nuts, and lemon. A high fibre diet has been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of colon cancer.

Eat less red meat

Eat less red meat because that will elevate the likelihood of getting colon cancer and prostate cancer.

Eat more fish

Eat more fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids since that will help lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Avoid foods contaminated with bisphenol

Avoid foods contaminated with bisphenol
(found in canned foods and water bottles), aflatoxins and dioxin which may cause cancer.

Avoid free sugars

Avoid taking in too much free sugars(for sugar fuels tumor cell growth), and too much salt( which increases the risk of stomach, nose, throat and pancreas cancers)

Avoid trans fat

Avoid trans fat which is carcinogenic.

Avoid hot drinks

Avoid food and drinks which are too hot. Intense heat from foods and drinks may damage the esophageal cells and bring about gene mutations.

Avoid salt cured meat

Avoid salt cured meat or pickled foods which contain nitrite as a preservative. Nitrite can be converted to nitrosamine which is carcinogenic.