Advice to Patients


You have fought very well and you deserve a good life ahead of you. To continue enjoying your life, there are a few things you must consider.

  • You may have a higher chance of getting a second cancer than others. Please try to monitor your diet: less sugar, less salt, no processed meat, less red meat, more vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not smoke. Drink moderately.
  • Take a multivitamin.
  • Consider taking aspirin.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Consider taking Yunzhi or Lingzhi.
  • Avoid unnecessary irradiation.
  • Be happy and do not worry. Try take everything easily.
  • Carry your life as if it is a gift. Work as usual, play as usual, and enjoy every bit of it.
  • Vigilance: please carry out regular check on the area of your last cancer. For example: If you had colonic cancer, remind yourself to do a colonoscopy regularly.